At the price of about a cool million each the Globalist's Launched another massive Shock and Awe Disinformation Campaign over the American Tax-payers, and the unemployed. Never mind the National Debt of over $14 Trillion, and rampant unemployment as folk's glued to FOX and CNN even at Bars shout out:
"We're Kicking the crap out of that no good Dictator Gadhafi, WOO-WHO! Shoot 'em again, get that Son of a Beach, Yeah!
It Takes a (Global) Village: Meanwhile America's School Children are continuing to be indoctrinated into becoming good "Global Citizen's" who ride their bikes to school, so more Chinese Kids can ride to school in automobiles. "After all it's good to share, and it's their turn now to Drive!"
Should a President be Impeached if he commits an act of War against another sovereign nation without first receiving Congressional approval for such actions? Let's ask Constitutional Scholar Joe Biden:
Meanwhile as Operation Odyssey Dawn over the Land of the Rising Sunset continues there is a growing concern about Food Safety in Asia:
Fukushima Radiation Levels continue to be buried under Radioactive Fallout Cover-Up
International Atomic Energy Agency Reports have verified higher levels of radioactive contamination in food and milk, while the World Health Organization has urged Japan to halt food sales and shipments.
The Japanese government has done so, yet only in limited amounts around Fukushima and three surrounding prefectures, stressing it is only a precautionary measure. Peter Cordingley, WHO’s Western Pacific spokesman, said: “Quite clearly, it is not what we thought in the early stages. It is more serious."
China and South Korea have announced that they will test all food imports from Japan, which now pose more of a risk than airborne radiation, which can dissipate over time. Meanwhile back in the
U.S. food-safety officials have said they are not concerned.
The Eagle has Crash Landed: Libyan's believed to be on the "Rebel's Side" inspect the remains of a United Socialist's Armed Fighter (USAF) F-15 Strike Eagle that suffered a fatal 2 "engine problem". The 2 man USAF Flight Crew ejected safely from their aircraft and have now been Helicopter Airlifted back with United Socialist Nations (USN) Coalition Forces.
As Reported by the East African Standard the Kenyan born Obama better be careful where he chooses to stick his in on his home continent. Meanwhile back in America Louis Farrakhan leader of the Nation of Islam is no longer calling Barack Hussein Obama "The Messiah" in a stunning radio interview last week Farrakhan bluntly asked the Commander in Chief:
"Who the Hell do you think you are?..."
Obama’s Bay of Pigs in Libya:
Imperialist Aggression Shreds UN Charter
Webster G. Tarpley Ph.D
March 21, 2011
Late today US and British cruise missiles joined with French and other NATO combat aircraft in Operation Odyssey Dawn/Operation Ellamy, a neo-imperialist bombing attack under fake humanitarian cover against the sovereign state of Libya. Acting under UN Security Council resolution 1973, US naval forces in the Mediterranean on Saturday night local time fired 112 cruise missiles at targets which the Pentagon claimed were related to Libya’s air defense system. But Mohammed al-Zawi, the Secretary General of the Libyan Parliament, told a Tripoli press conference that the “barbaric armed attack” and “savage aggression” had hit residential areas and office buildings as well as military targets, filling the hospitals of Tripoli and Misurata with civilian victims. Zawi accused the foreign powers of acting to protect a rebel leadership which contains notorious terrorist elements. The Libyan government repeated its request for the UN to send international observers to report objectively on events in Libya.
Libya had responded to the UN vote by declaring a cease-fire, but Obama and Cameron brushed that aside. On Saturday, France 24 and al-Jazeera of Qatar, international propaganda networks hyping the attacks, broadcast hysterical reports of Qaddafi’s forces allegedly attacking the rebel stronghold of Bengazi. They showed a picture of a jet fighter being shot down and claimed this proved Qaddafi was defying the UN by keeping up his air strikes. It later turned out that the destroyed plane had belonged to the rebel air force. Such coverage provided justification for the bombing attacks starting a few hours later. The parallels to the Kuwait incubator babies hoax of 1990 were evident. Qaddafi loyalists said Saturday’s fighting was caused by rebel assaults on government lines in the hopes of provoking an air attack, plus local residents defending themselves against the rebels.
At the UN vote, the Indian delegate correctly pointed out that the decision to start the war had been made on the basis of no reliable information whatsoever, since UN Secretary General Ban-ki Moon’s envoy to Libya had never reported to the Security Council. The bombing started shortly after a glittering Paris summit “in support of the Libyan people,” where Sarkozy, Cameron, Hillary Clinton, Stephen Harper of Canada and other imperialist politicians had strutted and postured.
Token contingents from Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia were supposed to take part in the attack, but were nowhere to be seen, while some Arab states were expected to provide financial support. The minimum estimated cost of maintaining a no-fly zone over Libya for one year is estimated in the neighborhood of $15 billion – enough to fund WIC high-protein meals for impoverished US mothers and infants for two years.
From no-fly zone to regime change
The alleged purpose of the bombing was to establish a no-fly zone and to protect a force of CIA-sponsored Libyan rebels composed of the Moslem Brotherhood, elements of the Libyan government and army subverted by the CIA (including such sinister figures as former Justice Minister Mustafa Abdel-Jalil and former Interior Minister Fattah Younis), and monarchist Senussi tribesmen holding the cities of Benghazi and Tobruk. But twin Friday ultimatums by President Obama and British premier Cameron, plus a speech by Harper, made clear that the goal was the ouster of Colonel Muammar Qaddafi and regime change in the North African oil-producing nation, whose proven reserves of crude are the largest on that continent.
Prospects for military success are uncertain, despite the apparent NATO preponderance. No clear military objective has been articulated, and disagreements about the scope of the war are likely. If Qaddafi’s tanks and infantry are engaged in house to house battles with the rebels in cities like Bengazi and Tobruk, it will be hard for NATO to bring its air superiority to bear without massacring large numbers of civilians.
From hope and change to shock and awe
While Obama’s action is being widely compared to the Bush-Cheney 2003 attack on Iraq, parallels to the April 1961 Bay of Pigs fiasco are also strong. In that instance, a force of anti-Castro Cubans organized by the CIA was militarily defeated in an attempt to take over Cuba, resulting in calls from Allen Dulles to President Kennedy for air strikes and a ground invasion. Kennedy rejected those calls and fired the Dulles CIA leadership. Obama, faced by the military collapse of a CIA force in Libya, has ordered such bombing, opening a second phase of the present US debacle.
The rebel region of Cerenaica has long been the scene of Moslem brotherhood agitation against Qaddafi, much of it fomented from across the Egyptian border with US assistance. After the failed 1995 assassination attempt against the Libyan leader reported by MI-5 defector David Shayler (for which MI-6 paid £100,000 to an al Qaeda subsidiary), eastern Libya was the scene of a protracted Islamist insurrection. In the wake of events in Tunisia and Egypt, it has become clear that the CIA has stipulated a worldwide alliance against existing Arab governments with the reactionary and oligarchical Muslim brotherhood, which was created by British intelligence in Egypt in the late 1920s. Al Qaeda of the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), another CIA front, is trumpeting full support for the rebels on its website.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy was first to recognize the Benghazi rebels, calling for a no-fly zone and air strikes a week earlier, seconded by British Prime Minister Cameron. Until about 18 hours before the UN vote, top US officials like Secretary of State Clinton and Defense Secretary Gates were stressing the difficulties of a no-fly zone. French Foreign Minister Juppé lamented that it was already too late for a no-fly zone. Then, the US abruptly demanded a no-fly zone plus a blank check for aerial bombing. Diplomatic observers are puzzled by Obama’s turnaround. Was he being blackmailed by the British and the French, the same imperialist coalition that invaded Egypt to seize the Suez Canal back in 1956? Because of Obama’s decision, the US is now at war with a fourth Moslem nation after Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan. In Pakistan, the simmering conflict is threatening to escalate into the open at any time in the wake of the scandal around CIA contractor Ray Davis, accused by the Pakistanis as a terrorist controller.
The Arab League, surprising many analysts, had voted unanimously for a no-fly zone over Libya. The African Union, by contrast, has resolutely opposed foreign intervention. Western diplomats have discounted the AU position, giving rise to suspicions of racism. These are reinforced by reports that the anti-Qaddafi rebels have lynched a number of black Africans, claiming that they were mercenaries hired by Qaddafi.
Related Source Sees:
U.S. Government Backs Libyan Al-Qaeda While Hyping Terror Attacks Inside U.S.
London Telegraph Admits: The West and AL-Qaeda are on the Same Side of Libyan Conflict
Preparing the way for the ultimate Tyrant to come: "From the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli", "An Army of ONE" Marches on towards a One World Government.
Behind the 2011 Orgy of Destabilizations: Pre-Emptive Coups by the CIA to Halt an Exodus of US Satraps and Viceroys Leading to a Multipolar World
Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D.
March 15, 2011
Washington DC, March 15, 2011 – In the late winter of 2011, governments were for a few weeks falling like bowling pins all across the Middle East and far beyond. We are witnessing a massive orgy of deliberate destabilizations of previous client regimes on the part of the CIA, the State Department, the National Endowment for Democracy, and the various NGOs and foundations which follow their lead. This has taken the form of a mad rampage of attempted color revolutions, people power coups, putsches by camarillas of generals, and incipient civil wars in such countries as Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and others, with the tremors being felt as far away as Belarus and China. This tsunami of coups was signaled by three waves of document dumps by the “Wikileaks” limited hangout operation of the Anglo-American intelligence community, and has been supported and encouraged by the Obama regime up to the limits of what the traffic would bear in each case. During the most recent days, the time of the Libyan civil war, the old Suez 1956 coalition of aggressive and unreconstructed British and French neo-colonialists has also reemerged as a strange historical atavism.
Giuseppe Mazzini
1848: Giuseppe Mazzini, agent of the British Admiralty
Carl Gershman
Today: Carl Gershman, President of the Natiional Endowment for Democracy
The Anglo-American Empire is now undergoing a collapse phase, although not caused by debt as claimed by the reactionary academic and imperialist planner Niall Ferguson at the “Aspen Ideas Festival” last July – a gathering where calls were raised for an immediate attack on Iran.1 The overthrow of existing governments and the breakup of existing national states, wherever possible, is intended to put the brakes on this collapse by preventing the national states from taking timely political action to save themselves from the imperialist shipwreck by defecting to other power centers, reversing existing alliances. The Anglo-American plan is for a super-national empire over the planet, with a neo-feudal war of all against all on the ground.
The Threatened Return of a Multi-Polar Middle East
The current goal of London and Washington is to stop a jailbreak by their former clients. Since the beginning of the end of the USSR in about 1980, the Middle East has been a unipolar Anglo-American show. The past 30 years of US-UK hegemony have been an historical oddity. Today, the Middle East is reverting to its more typical multi-polar complexion, with a revival of Chinese, Russian, Iranian, Turkish, and other interests – making a better deal for the Arabs more likely than under the recent Anglo-American-Israeli power monopoly. The current CIA destabilizations are supposed to abort this return of multipolarity to the Middle East.
In my books Obama the Postmodern Coup: the Making of a Manchurian Candidate (April 2008) and Barack H. Obama: the Unauthorized Biography (August 2008) I warned that the next phase of US imperialism under Obama would rely increasingly on subversion, destabilization, color revolutions, soft power, mass manipulation, CIA people power coups, and postmodern putsches. A color revolution was attempted by the CIA in Iran in the summer of 2009, and ended in failure. Similar color revolutions were attempted during 2010 in Italy (the purple revolution), Macedonia, Thailand, and Belarus, among others. Now, with much of the Mediterranean, Middle East, and parts of Eastern Europe under CIA attack, the thesis of my 2008 books is definitively confirmed. The CIA limited hangout operation known as Wikileaks has just launched an attack against the president of Indonesia for bribery and corruption, signaling that a CIA attack will soon be under way against Jakarta as well.
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mpressive article dude! Many thanks