LOS ANGELES--- Candidate Barack Obama on Thursday announced that his Ministry of Justice will try to "root out" cases of "fraud or manipulation" in the global oil markets, while Attorney General Eric Holder admitted that a wide variety of reasons (as in have a clue card Mr. President the Dollar is collapsing, the Saudi's are spooked by your Middle East gambit and have lowered their production while courting China as her new suitor. Meanwhile Brent Crude futures are nearly $124 a Barrel, and it's not exactly Top Seek Wit that the global elite have already admitted it's going to over $200 a Barrel ) may be lurking behind gasoline's surge to $4 a gallon. While Big Oil contributions to Obama's 2008 Campaign totalled at least $902,000 during the 2008 election cycle, he is now speaking harshly while carrying a soft reed against Big Oil Corporations:
"We are going to make sure that no one is taking advantage of the American people for their own short-term gain," Obama said at a town-hall style meeting at a renewable energy plant in Reno, Nevada.
MASTER CLASS THEATRE: Government Sachs/Government Electric CEO Obama pledges to save the working class from the evils of "Price Gougers, Traders, and Speculators!"
Perhaps Obama is Clueless about the agenda of Duh New World Order, if so could someone in the NSA, or Homeland Security please bring him up to speed by sending him da link 2 this video? Because EYE Bee leave DAT he must know, what we NOAH about Duh New World Odor: Verily It Stinketh 2 Hi Heaven!!!
These are the "Good Ole' Days!" Enjoy $4 Gas while it lasts. The "Glow Ball Elite" have been plotting since the 1970's to drastically raise oil prices in order to implode the global economy as a pretext to ushering in their twisted vision of a New World Order of total tyranny!
Candidate Obama made his remarks while in the midst of four fundraising events in California on Thursday — one in San Francisco and three in Los Angeles. Part of six fundraisers during his three-day West Coast trip, at tax-payer expense targeting big money donors and young people who are predominately still clueless that Obama is continuing to manipulate the American people via fraud as his re-election campaign could well set new fundraising records.
"This is going to just as hard, if not harder, than 2008," Obama stated concerning his re-election bid during a fundraiser at Sony Pictures Studios.
With his focus clearly now on his political survival as he is already in fundraising mode for the upcoming 2012 campaign, Obama believes that he must project an image of being a man of action fighting against the international oil cartels who in reality were among of chief campaign contributors during his 2008 Presidential Campaign. This is a Grand Charade of the highest proportions as Obama is in fact totally dependent upon campaign funding by a host of international energy conglomerates such as GE, Exxon, Chevron,and BP Greased Obama's 2008 Campaign.
Obama declared his Unwavering concern for the American working class who now by design of the global elite are paying nearly $4 a gallon for gasoline. "at a time when things were already pretty tough," announced that Holder will be forming the Financial Fraud Enforcement Working Group. Just what America needs: another layer of bureaucracy to hunt down retail gas station "Price Gougers" to help reduce the U.S. National Debt which now exceeds $14.3 Trillion!
The FFEWG task force will investigate "the role of traders and speculators" in this most recent oil-price surge, Obama said, and will consist of various Cabinet department officials, federal regulators and the National Association of Attorneys General who have nothing better to do than make Obama’s image more palatable to the North-American voters be they legal citizens or not.
While there’s really nothing much that Obama can do to control the global price of gasoline short of launching another “Humanitarian Kinetic Military Action” as in Libya, his awe inspiring tele-prompter image as a Crusader against “Big Oil” industry insiders, and financial market manipulation by speculators surely played well to duh masses, who bought his 2008 campaign promises hook, line and sinker.
Obama Heckled by Liberals still wanting their promised CHANGE:
During a breakfast fundraiser in San Francisco on Thursday, Obama was treated to some audience input that he wasn't quite bargaining for.
A young lady in the crowd suddenly rose from her seat and shouted: "Mr. President, we wrote you a song," The president attempted to quiet her, but the woman and her table of donors at the St. Regis Hotel breakfast broke into song and raised protest signs that read "Free Bradley Manning"--the Army intelligence specialist accused of releasing diplomatic cables to WikiLeaks. Manning has reportedly been transferred to a less restrictive prison following pressure from other human rights groups.
The protesters stated that collectively they had donated $5,000 to Obama in 2008. "We'll vote for you in 2012, yes that's true. Look at the Republicans--what else can we do?" they reportedly chanted.
"We paid our dues. Where's our change?" they sang:
Candidate Obama if you do not CHANGE your lying ways your eternal legacy shall be a shameful and tawdy case study into the very nature of fraud, and manipulation in High Places. Rest assured that every word you have ever uttered both while seeking,and while acting as President, as well as every action you have taken against the best interests of humanity worldwide shall be judged before אל עליון EL ELYON Da Most High on Judgment Day!!!
These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. Proverbs 6:16-19
EYE AM ALEF TAV (Alpha and Omega), Da beginning and the end. EYE will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of Da water of life freely. He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and EYE shall be his ELOHIM, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and ALL LIARS, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Revelation 21:6-8
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Matthew 10:28
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