Monday, August 5, 2024

Elon Musk Calls Out Neophyte UK PM ¨Two-Tier Keir¨ English Cities Ablaze as Police Stand Down vs Migrant Violence, Tyrannical Crackdowns on Native Englanders

Storm Watch for Plan Net Earth; Is our Planet Imploding into Globalist Orchestrated Crisis Mode?


Is Da Absolutely Abominable, Dreadful, and Terrible Tyrannical Rex Fourth Beast Long Ago Foreseen in a Land Far Far Away; in the Perplexing Mystifying Vision of the Ancient Hebrew Prophet, and Prince Daniel of Da Tribe of Judah; as Recorded in Da Seventh Chapter of the Book of the Holy Scriptures recorded by:  דניאל הנביא

 As Klaus Schwabś ¨Angrier World¨ Migrates from Africa & the Middle East via Europa @ The Woke Olympic Games in France, Chunneling itś way into the Divided United Conquered Kingdom (DUCK) as Civil War Duck Dives into not so Great Britain

 Da New Seas World Report

via Daniyel

Williams-Brice Stadium

Fabio Carvalho´s 10th-minute finish sets Liverpool Football Clubs Reds in Black to an impressive 3-0 win over Manchester United on a steamy Saturday night in South Carolina. LFC´s Beloved ¨King of Egypt¨ Mohamed Salah deftly darted into freedom along the right flank & fired across goal to the arriving Curtis Jones to nudge a second goal over da goal-line. 

Salah is among the best known of all World Footballers 
and he is adored by Liverpoolś Native Born Merseyside Scousers, as well as by thousands of African and Arabic Migrants many of whom share the Egyptian Footballers Muslim Faith. 

          Click on this Powerful X Thread to view Multiple Videos Documenting the Unimaginable Chaos and Destruction Resulting from Decades of the UN-Controlled Illegal Migrant Invasion of the British Islands by X Citizen Journalist @StarkNakedBrief

Is Civil War on Da Horizon For an English Sunset of their own National Sovereignty? As Global Markets and Crypto Currency Crashes, to Civil Wars, and Rumors of Wars, from World War III, to Armageddon. 

Are You Ready Fore Da End Zone Days? 

Friday, August 2, 2024

Caught in Perjury: Secret Service Chief Roweś Woes: Whistleblower Agents Give Facts on Rowe´s Cutbacks Compromising Trump´s Rally Protection Team


  The Battle for the Republic

vs The Real Threats to Democracy

  Following Four Hours of often Heated and Contentious Exchanges During a Joint Hearing on Tuesday July 30th with the United States Senate Homeland Security and Senate Judiciary Committees between Acting Secret Service Director Ronald L. Rowe Jr., with the Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Paul Abbate, and Bipartisan Members of these Senate Committees; Shocking new evidence obtained by Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) from a current Secret Service Whistleblower reveals that the now severely tarnished U.S. Secret Service (USSS) has profound issues which can not be merely swept under the rug with the resignation of former USSS Director Kimberly Cheatle. 

Da New Seize World Report 

via Daniyel

Washington District of (Well Dressed) Criminals  

  Senator Josh Hawley, who was Jack-Booted off the Scene of the Crime at the American Glass Research building complex by FBI Agents Six Days after former President Donald J. Trump Sr. miraculously survived 8 Rounds of Bullets from the would-be assassins rifle at the Butler Farm Show Grounds in Pennsylvania; has received the testimony of a USSS Agent Whistleblower who is Fed Up with all of the cover-up games, lies and deceptions coming out of the so called Leadership of the Secret Service. Causing Senator Hawley to compose a Letter to the Acting Director of the Secret Service Ronald Rowe. 

  The Whistleblower alleges that former Deputy Director Rowe ¨personally directed¨ USSS personnel cuts that ultimately left former President Trump exposed to a would-be assassins bullets at his July 13th 2024 Rally in Butler PA. According to Hawley, the anonymous whistleblower claims the staffing cuts to Trump´s Security Protection Team affected the Secret Service Counter Surveillance Division (CSD), which failed to conduct a proper threat assessment of the site which left Trump vulnerable to the assassination attempt. 

¨The whistleblower claims that if personnel from CSD had been present at the rally, the gunman would have been handcuffed in the parking lot after being spotted with a Rangefinder¨ Hawley wrote in his letter directed to Rowe. 

¨The whistleblower further alleges that you personally directed significant cuts to CSD, up to and including reducing the division´s manpower by twenty percent¨ 

¨You did not mention this in your Senate Testimony when asked directly to explain manpower reductions.¨ Sen. Hawley added

 Additionally, the Whistleblower claims that under former Director Cheatle´s and Deputy Director Rowe´s leadership the Secret Service would actually retaliate against agents ¨who expressed concerns about the security at President Trump´s events.¨

  ¨The whistleblower claims that following an event with the former President at a Golf Tournament in August of last year, Secret Service personnel present expressed serious concern that the Secret Service´s use of Local Law Enforcement was not adequate for security needs:
Local Law Enforcement were not properly trained for the event, or otherwise prepared to execute the tasks given them.¨ Hawley wrote.

 ¨Further, Secret Service personnel expressed alarm that individuals were admitted to the event without vetting. The Whistleblower alleges that those who raised such concerns were retaliated against.¨ 

  Hawley is insisting that Acting USSS Director Rowe responds to his newest requests for CSD personnel records, and information on Secret Service Agents who have faced disciplinary action for raising concerns, as well as a ¨Breakdown of Secret Service personnel at the July 13 Rally by Division or Unit.¨ 

¨No later than August 8, 2024¨

Caught in Perjury: Acting Secret Service Director Rowe´s Woes!!!

The Most Iconic American Image of the 21st Century! Any Lesser Man than Donald J. Trump Sr. with his Legacy of Extraordinary International Real Estate Developments & Financial Accomplishments, with such a Beautiful and Loving Family; would surely have chosen to Ride off into Da Sunset Happily on Golfcarts & Flying on ¨Trump Force One¨ to Private Islands, and Golf Courses World-Wide; Rather Dan having to put up with all duh endless attacks against him, and his family from Woke Liberals suffering from self-inflicted Trump Derangement Syndrome fueled by incessant attacks by the Shame Stream Media, & All duh Stew Peed Buddha Sheep schemeś of the Administration of O´Bamanations Attorney General Mare Wick Garr Landś and George Soros Funded Vengeful District Attorney´s Lawfare vs POTUS 45.
WHO else but Donald J. Trump Sr. would postpone a wonderful retirement for yet another opportunity to restore Americaś Borders, Economy, Manufacturing Base, and Constitutional Freedoms to try yet again 2 Make America Great Again? Only 2 Have to play Dodge Bullets in Pennsylvania and having to resort to hiring his own Security Team to protect him between now and Inauguration Day on Monday January 25, 2025. Verily Donald J. Trump Sr. is not our worldś long awaited Messiah, Yet for reasons only fully understood by Da Creator of Da Universe, Trump still has the opportunity to become America´s President once again!
Verily we all need to continue to pray for our Sar Shalom; 
The True Prince of Peace, Yeshua Ha Mashiach aka Jesus of
Nazereth to return at long last to Plan Neat Earth and to bring 
down with him Da Heavenly City, Da New Jerusalem 2 Establish Da King Dome of Heaven on Earth. 

En Da Mean Thyme, with the wars, and rumors of wars threat levels in the Middle East leaping off the Charts it Luke´s like Da Prophecy of Zechariah 14 is flying towards us at hypersonic speed:

¨For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight those nations, as when he foughtin the day of battle.¨

 Verily we all need to continue to pray for the safety of the man Donald J. Trump, as imperfect of a vessel as he may be.
Surely his life was spared by the Protective Wings of EL ELYON Da Most High ¨For Such a Time as This!¨Paul the Apostle teaches us that we have a duty to pray for world leaders no matter how righteous they may, or may well not be. 

¨I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
for Kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of Elohim, our Saviour; who will have all men (and women) to be saved, and come unto the knowledge of the Truth.¨ 

1 Timothy 2:1-4  

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Holy Sheep! ABC NEWS LIVE: ¨When THE GOVERNMENT Tried To K!LL Former President Trump!¨ Pierre Thomas Made Da Mother of all Freudian Slips:


Trump´s Assassination Attempt: Homeland Insecurity? Secret Service Incompetence? Or a Botched Deep State Preemptive Coup d´etat? 

The Sloppy Operation Around the Infamous Treacherous Sloped Roof 


            The Most Iconic American Image of the 21st Century!

 President Donald Trump Rises Off the Canvas on Saturday July 13th as a Motley Crew of Homeland Insecurity and Secret Service Agents Looked more Like The Keystone Cops; Took their sweet time (Compared to the Secret Service Agents instantaneous reaction in the 1981 attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan) to climb up the stage to shield Trumps body after he dropped below his Podium, actually Broke well established Secret Service Protocol. 

Break King Noose!   Holy Sheep!  On ABC News Live! Senior Justice Correspondent Pierre Thomas Just Spilled Da Beans!!!



 Long established Protocol is that, instantly when a Secret Service Protection Team hears, or sees a serious threat upon an assigned Protectee´s Life that right then the Secret Service is totally in charge of the situation, no matter if that Protectee is a sitting, or former U.S. President. Even if the sound is simply just a nearby engine backfire or firecracker. 

While the inner core of President Trumps Protection Team courageously rushed to cover Trump within just a matter of seconds after the first sonic ¨report¨ of an assassins rifle, following reports on their ear-pieces of the Security Team onstage that the ¨Lone Gunman¨ had been eliminated, and it was considered safe for the agents covering Trump to remove him from the exposed stage into the relative safety of his protective vehicle these Agents enabled POTUS 45 to get back up on his feet Pumping His Fist Shouting ¨FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT to his Tens of Thousands of MAGA Fans at his Rally in Butler Pennsylvania 
Da New Sees World Report
via Daniyel
Grantham Pennsylvania

 Was Former President Donald J. Trump Protected not so much from the assassins bullets      by his Makeshift Secret Service/Substitute Homeland Security Agents, yet by his prayerfully   being placed under the Shadow of the Wings of the Almighty? 

  As countless Millions of American Homes viewing Live were either joyfully relieved! or instantly having their personal desires crushed into a Deep State of emotional aggravation upon their realizing that Trump had survived Playing Dodge Bullet when as many as 8 Rounds of High Powered Ballistic Bullets whizzed just to the right of his head on that now infamous day of Saturday July 13th in Butler Pennsylvania.

Why were both Fox News, and CNN Covering Trumps Butler Pennsylvania Rally Live, when CNN had not Broadcast a Single other Live Trump Rally before his RNC Acceptance Speech? Why were CNN Camera Crews and Reporters embedded with Federal Agents who made a warrant-less Pre-Dawn raid on the Home of long time Republican Presidential Champaign Advisor, and a personal friend of Donald Trump Roger Stone? Hmm! Only Time Will Tell. 

  Elon Musk´s Free Speech Platform X Now Marks the Spot Where Mainstream TV Producers Go 2 First for Breaking News Leads, and concise analysis of Major Breaking News Stories Like the Botched Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump and the Swift Downfall of the Biden Regime; Leading 2 the even Swifter Coronation of the San Francisco VICE Queen to the Democratic Parties Ballot-Less Presidential Candidate.


 In the immediate aftermath of the botched assassination attempt on POTUS 45, Former President Donald J. Trump, the one thing that is clear for those of us with Eyes 2 See, and Ears 2 Hear is that in our Post Modern 21st Century Hi-Tech Digital Age the Dinosaur Big Pharma State Controlled Legacy Media Industrial Complex No Longer can Control the Narrative of Key Events like what our World has Witnessed in just the past couple of weeks. 

  An ever expanding Band of Netizens, from those with Front Row Seats to History who quickly Live-streamed and Recorded Videos of Trump first grabbing his Right Ear before plunging himself below the Podium; to dozens of Eyewitnesses near the American Glass Research Complex calling out, or recording other MAGA Trump Supporters in desperation for any member of Law Enforcement to take action when Trump´s alleged ¨Lone Nut Gunman¨ 20 Year Old Thomas Matthew Crooks was first being spotted upon the rooftop of AGR Building 6.

  Those at home viewing the Live Coverage on Network TV on both CNN and FOX who quickly went to X to see for themselves any additional information of what had just transpired on that blazing hot afternoon just 40 Miles up the road from Jill Biden´s 2 Campaign Speaking Stops in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania.  

  Quickly in the first hours and days after Trump almost literally bit the bullets, Global Netizens using TikTok & Rumble were swiftly re-uploading their Content of the attempted assassination videos primarily to Elon Musk´s X Platform which has made Musk himself yet another Billionaire like Trump who has become a Target of the Wrath of those who crave the Censorship of We the People. 

Just One Day Before Trump´s attempted assassination, The Communist News Network (CNN) Reported in a Piece Titled:   

    EU Regulators have Charged Elon Musk´s X with Breaching itś Sweeping Digital Services Act 

European Union Commissioner Thierry Breton, and other Lackeys of Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum who Love to Piss and Moan @ WEF Conclaves in the Winter Wonderland of DAVOS Switzerland whose invited members in the hierarchy of the self proclaimed Global Elite often literally, and at great taxpayers expense about how the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, the Right to Free Speech is an even greater ¨Threat to Democracy¨ than even Mr. Trump. 

Why even Bill Gates of Hell and the Sickle Reaper Fauci had to cut short Phase One of their ¨Operation Stick IT 2 ´Em¨ Big Pharma Global Depopulation Agenda. While Joe Biden was Full Speed Ahead with being a Cheerleader for Forced Vaccine Mandates, Donald Trump despite his being a Cheerleader for ¨Operation Warp Speed¨ was not a Proponent for the Big Pharma mRNA Clot Shots that have resulted in what Transnational Life Insurance Companies refer to as ¨Excess Deaths¨ which have literally Metastasized Off the Charts since the Rollout of Covid Vaccines in early 2021. 

  Has the Creator of Da Universe Gracefully Given America One Last Chance To Be Light to the Nations? Oar Is Amerika way up El Rio Caca Del Norte with out a Paddle? Destined to Become Just Another Fallen Empire in World His Story, Just another Domino Nation Destined 2 Fall to Duh Globalist´s New Whirled Odor Agenda?  

  Was the Botched Assassination Attempt on President Donald Trump Truly a Divine Miracle, To Give America One Last Chance to Repent of our collective transgressions against our Heavenly Father? before the Economic Collapse of the U.S. Dollar, and the possible outbreak of Civil War in America? Who could possibly benefit from the assassination of Donald J. Trump? Whose Centuries Old Open Secret Creed be to Create Order out of Chaos to help to usher in:

  The New World Order 

¨A House Divided Can Not Stand¨ United We are Strong Divided we Fall---¨ We are the Last Obstacle to Having a One World Government¨ Dr. Ben Carson

  Can mankind´s scientific knowledge of Physics explain how the first of at least 8 Bullets whizzing past Trump, with 1 actually injuring Trump´s Right Ear; presumably fired by a would-be 20 year old amateur assassins AR-15 Rifle be attributed to merely extremely near misses or from a Liberal Perspective Just Horrible Luck that Trump turned his head at the last possible nanosecond before doing a masterful Duck Dive?

 Why was Senator Josh Hawley Booted out of the Crime Scene at the American Glass Research Building Complex by the FBI, when the alleged would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks was essentially given an All-Access Pass to carry out Drone Surveillence, Range Finder Optical Measurement from the top of AGS Building 6, as well as wandering seemingly aimlessly all around the AGS Complex? 

Was Crooks actually monitored from an Open Window overlooking AGS Building 6 Rooftop? Was Cheatleś Foreknowledge of this attempted assassination what caused her to clam up in her House Oversight Hearings on Monday July 22nd?

The Former Director of the U.S. Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle immediately came under fire from the media for not holding a single Press Conference to establish the ¨Official Narrative¨ of the attempted assassination of Former President, and currently nominated Republican Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump Sr. 

 House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer felt compelled to have to file a Subpoena to compel the defiant Former USSS Director Kimberly Cheatle to show up to over 4 hours of grilling by Representatives on both sides of the aisle; during which Cheatle was woefully unprepared, and brazenly uncooperative in such an arrogant manner that she earned the contempt of even several Democrats including AOC, as well as Oversight Co-Chairman Jamie Raskin who insisted on her immediate resignation.  

Clearly the primary strategy of the House Democrats during Cheatle´s Oversight Committee Testimony was to use this near tragedy as yet another opportunity to push for an Australian Style total Gun ban for the American public. Yet the net result of Cheatle´ś Hearing was that she agreed to resign as the Director of the U.S. Secret Service on Tuesday July 23rd. Surely Democratic Party Leaders have long pushed for the total abolition of the Americanś Citizens Second Amendment Right to Bear Arms. Their twisted vision of a Marxist Socialist Utopia in North America stops however on the North Side of Rio Bravo Del Norte---The Rio Grande river. Remember when the Obama Administration got totally exposed by former CBS News Journalist Sharyl Attkisson in which Guns & Assault Rifles in the U.S. were shipped via Gun Runners to the Mexican Drug Cartels with at least 2 AK-47 ¨Assault Rifles¨ originating in the U.S. later implicated in the tragic execution of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry just North of the Border in Arizona by members of Mexican Cartels. 

  Surely it is time for all Americans to repent, not just of just Political & other Violence committed with Guns, yet for the widespread Extreme Violence carried out on a daily basis against the Innocent Blood of over 60 Million Unborn Children of which the newly coronated VICE Queen Kamala Harris is now the Head Cheerleader praising the violence against the unborn born children of primarily Black, and Hispanic Mothers since Abhor Shun was First ¨Legalized in the USA

  Would Illegal Immigration threatening the very fabric of American as well as European Social Order, be such a Hot Topic in this Election Cycle if the Innocent Blood of countless millions of unborn children had not been spilled upon The Altar of Women´s Reproductive Freedom of which California VICE Queen Kamala Harris is their newest favorite Eye Doll Idol? 

  Surely many Republican Business Owners appreciate the value of temporarily hiring primarily undocumented Hispanic¨Contractors¨ to do the hard and often dangerous work of ¨Manuel Labor¨ Yet surely the Dim O´Bureaucrats as History shows covet this vast block of new Voters who will surely want to trade in their Biden T-Shirts, for Free New Kamala Harris Designer Polo Shirts while they bask in the Luxury of several of Manhattan´s formerly finest Hotels Courtesy of the Cloward-Piven Strategy to essentially Bankrupt the United States Government to expedite itś warping into Klaus Schwab´s World Economic Forumś Wet Dream of a ¨Great Reset¨

 Who Really Had the Most to Gain from the Assassination of POTUS 35, JFK in Dealey Plaza of that fateful day of November 22nd 1963?

  JFK had begun removing U.S. Military ¨Advisors¨ from Vietnam in 1963. Surely this totally Peace´d Off the Military Industrial Complex that the Former Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe in World War II, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned about in his Final Oval Office Speech to the American People.  

 Once LBJ was sworn is as POTUS 36 He danced to the tune of his Big U.S. Military Donors Bell Helicopter, General Dynamics,  Lockheed Martin et al. Widely expanding the Vietnam War until he became haunted by his own fetid concscience of his personal quilt in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, leading to his decision to ¨neither seek, nor accept the Nomination¨ of the Democratic Party to Campaign for Re-election in 1968.

Who Really Had The Most to Gain from a ¨Successful Deep State Hit¨ on POTUS 45 Donald J. Trump Sr. on July 13th, 2024?

 Senator Josh Hawley Noah´s Dat Da Beeg Buck$ Stop at Alejandro Mayorkas´ Desk. 

NATO OTAN´s 2024 Summit in Washington D.C. Lit the Fuse of Confusion Enabling Butler the chance 2 Do IT! As Homeland Insecurity Czar Alejandro Mayorkas has oversight over the United States Secret Service, he was the Boss of Former United States Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle; it is ultimately Mayorkas DHS DEI policies on hiring, training, and day to day operations that have not eviscerated just the morale of the  of U.S. Customs and Border Patrol Officers alone, according to former U.S. Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino the morale of a vast number of USSS Agents has been devastated as well by DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. 

Secret Tare e Mayorkas with his blatant refusal to enforce established Immigration, and Border Protection Laws is clearly a Traitor to the United States of America who has already been Impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives only to be able to maintain his position by a narrow Senate vote. If Trump gets back in to the Oval Office, Mayorkas will be Booted Out as U.S. Homeland Security Secretary on January 20th 2025. Day One of Trump´s Second Term

What are The Odds?

  Ultimately Disgraced Former USSS Director Kimberly Cheatle had to supplement her Secret Service Officers with scarcely Cross-Trained Homeland Security Agents because COINCIDENTALLY the Biden Campaign had scheduled VP Kamala Harris to give a Campaign Speech in Philadelphia while scheduling Jill Biden to give a Speech in honor of her Italian Heritage inside the Riverside Casino, as well as an additional Speaking appearance in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania on the very same day July 13th as Trump´s Rally was just 40 Miles up the road in Butler PA. 

  Thus Secret Service Agents regularly assigned to Trump Rallyś were pulled to help cover Biden Campaign Rally´s for both Jill Biden, as well as for VICE Queen Kamala Harris! Ultimately ¨The Big Buck$ $top @ current Homeland Security Czar Alejandro Mayorkas! Therefore it was his call to supplement Trump´s regular, yet now depleted Secret Service Team with Homeland Security Agents; who along with Kimberly ¨Cheetos¨ Radical Woke DEI Policies made U.S. Federal Agents to look like Keystone Cops in the key moments after Trumps ear was seared by one of the would-be Assassins Bullets, which tragically took the life of Retired Buffalo PA Firefighter Corey Comperatore on that fateful day of July 13th in Butler PA.

Is there compelling evidence that the shocking events that transpired at the Butler Farm Show Grounds; and in and upon the American Glass Research (AGR) Building Complex in the early evening of July 13, 2024 is actually the sinister schemes of the Deep State Globalist Cabal that Trump has been fighting with since Melania, and Donald Trump First Descended the Escalator together in 2015 as he made public his desire to become the 45th President of the United States of America? 

 Anyone who has ¨Ears 2 Hear, and Eyes 2 See¨ Noah´s Dat Duh Events Dat Transpired at the Butler Farm Show Grounds Where President Donald Trump was allowed to take the Stage for yet another massive outdoor MAGA rally, despite the fact that his assigned protection Team for this NSSC Priority 1 Event Security Team was notified beforehand that there was a report of a ¨Suspicious Suspect" roaming around the American Glass Research Complex which offered a Direct Line of Sight towards Trumpś Speech Podium

Fox News and other Main Stream Networks even ran video footage taken well over an hour before Trumpś Speech of the Deceased Lone Nut Would-Be Assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks roaming between the AGR Building Complex and The Rally´s Stage. 

Acoustic Forensic Analysis by Mike Adams the ¨Health Ranger", Catalin Grigoras PhD University of Colorado @ Denver, and Chris Martenson PhD have established conclusively that at least a total of 9 Rifle Shots were recorded on cell phone videos swiftly uploaded to Elon Muskś X Platform formerly known as Twitter ¨For Such a Time as This¨ 

  Based upon the Acoustic Evidence measuring the Time Lapse between the ¨Snap¨ of the Hypersonic Bullet Rounds until ¨The Thump Report¨ of the Rifleś Discharge Traveling at the Speed of Sound It is now believed that Crooks quickly fired off the first 3 Bullets, one of which significantly grazed the top of Trumps Right Ear from a Distance atop AGR Building´s Treacherous ¨Sloped Roof¨of about 150 Meters towards Trump´s Head. 

Video: Mike Adams provides an Update on his Audio Acoustical Analysis of up to 10 Total Rifle Rounds Fired over a Duration of 15.8 Seconds, and gives his Blunt Force Analysis: 

´The Deep State Tried to Kill Donald J. Trump While Broadcasting this potentially catastrophic event Live In Order to Traumatize the American People with the Image of Trump´s Head Exploding Over and Over Again, In Order to Initiate Civil War in America!´

Why did the Secret Service Counter Sniper Team Wait 15.8 Seconds between the Report Thump of the First Shot at Donald Trump, and the Report Thump of the Final Shot that Instantly Eliminated the Alleged ´Lone Nut Gunman ¨Patsy¨ Crooks?´  

Saved via Homeland Insecurity Czar Alejandro Mayorkas´ George Soros Open Society UN Open Borders Illegal Immigration Agenda

On the Fateful Early Evening of Saturday July 13th, 2024 Was it Providence that Trump turned his Head and Focus towards his Right Side to refer the Tens of Thousands of the Rally´s Attendees to a Large Chart held aloft by a Crane that was titled: Illegal Immigration Into the U.S. as the Issue of Border Security vs the Biden Administrations (Kamala Harris Owns it Now!) Perilous Open Borders Agenda with U.S. Homeland Insecurity Czar Alejandro Mayorkas at the Helm 

6:11 pm Eastern The Bullets Fly; what could have been the Worst Possible Scenario for America as well as Planet Earth? 

Why have Feature Length Pre-programming Films Such as ¨Civil War¨ and ¨Leave the World Behind!¨ which was actually Produced by Barack and Michelle Obama Been Released in the Past Few Months? Do the Deep State Powers Dat Bee Really Want a Civil War, or Far Worse Yet, World War III?

Less than 48 Hours before the scheduled Starting Time for the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee Wisconsin; Trump as well as the American Republic almost died from either a vast Deep State Globalist Conspiracy; or the gross negligence, and failed leadership of former U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle and her DEI ¨Mary Band¨ of 5´2´´ Tall Agents assigned to be willing to literally put their life on the line by placing themselves between Would-Be Assassins Bullets and the 6´3´´ Tall President Trump. 

Had it not been at the precise time of his Speech where he was informing the American People of the Massive Spike in Illegal Immigration into the United States since countless millions of undocumented migrants took the Candidate Joe Bidenś advice during a Nationally Televised Democratic Debate that any and all Citizens of other Nations Worldwide would be given financial entitlements if they would ¨Immediately Surge the Border, Once I get Elected!¨

In a recent interview Tucker Carlson asked Former U.S. Naval Intelligence Officer, Geopolitical Analyst Jack Posobiec what would the expected result be if Donald Trump had not turned his Head slightly to his Right at the last Nanosecond 

Posobiec´s immediate candid response was ¨We´d Already Be in a Civil War!¨ 

The Image Above widely posted on Social Media site´s of just how much difference a few millimeters may well have made for both the Citizens, and Non-Citizens of the United States for the next few more months, or hopefully years of still having access to relatively affordable Grocery Prices that have increased rapidly do to exploding inflation rates since Joseph Biden ¨Won¨ the Highly controversial 2020 Presidential Election as 20 Times 2000 of Dinesh D´ Souza´s Demonic Mules Flooded Voting Precincts with countless millions of ¨Mail-In¨ Ballots gathered and dumped late past midnight into receptacles in Primarily ¨Blue Cities¨ on the East and Left Coasts of the UN-Tied States of Amerika on Wednesday November 4th 2020 well after Trump had apparently won Re-election in 2020. 

Why are Duh Liberal Marxist-Communist Elitist´s World-Wide so Eager to Destroy the value of the U$ Dollar & the Euro? and Why are they shutting down traditional family farms as well as drastically cutting back on Petroleum Production in Western Countries while clearly being responsible for the greatest environmental catastrophe of all time of the Nordstream Natural Gas Pipelines between Russia, and Germany under the Baltic Sea besides leading to the economic collapse of Western Europe as major Industries like Fertilizer Manufacturers like BASF to Fold Operations in Germany while moving to China? 

Who else but Donald Trump at da wise old age of 77 would choose to literally play Dodge Bullet wit Duh Glow Ball Cysts, when you are a Billionaire dat really Noah kneads 2 put up with all of the Bull Sheep dat duh Donkey Herd of Dim O´Bureaucrats & Big Pharma State Sponsored Media Presstitutes Sling at Da Orange Man?

Eye mean seriously if your Stock Portfolio and International Real Estate Investments almost looked as nice as Melania Trump, would you really choose to risk everything dat money can buy, for Da Opportunity to seriously Make America Great Once Again for the benefit of not just your own family, yet for all Americans of every ethnicity, color, and creed as long as they are not Gang Bangers, or Single Military Aged Men who have been Sponsored by George Soros & Duh UN-Tied Nay Shuns 2 Infiltrate Da United States?

ITś as plain as the nose on your face that not just the future economic prosperity of All Americans is what is really at stake in this election. Do you want 2 continue to live at Peace in a still somewhat prosperous land that still enjoys the Liberty and Freedoms of National Sovereignty, or do you really want 2 literally fight for your own life on a daily basis in a country whose Currency is Facing a BRICS Firing Squad Wall that literally is in the Crosshairs of Globalists like Klaus Schwab, Duh Wrothś-Childs, Duh Rocky Fellers, & Duh Gates of Hell aka Vax Scene Bill whose Open Agenda is to drastically Depopulate Plan Net Earth by as much as 90% by the year 2030? 

In Udder WORDS Are Ewe Ready Fore Da End Zone Days Long Ago Foretold ¨In Far Away Forgotten Lands Where Empires Have Turned Back 2 Sand?¨ 

Does Ancient Hebrew Prophecy Really Hold Da Key 2 Your Eternal Destiny? Only Time Wheel Tell !!!

Was Pastor Brandon Biggs Really Shown a Prophetic Vision of Bullets Flying Past President Trumps Right Ear? 

Did Alex Jones Really Predict the attempted assassination of Donald Trump @ Turning Point ¨The Peoples Convention in the Middle of June 2024? 

What the Enemy Meant for Evil, Elohim Turns it to his Good Purposes.
Donald J. Trump like each of us is an imperfect vessel. Yet The Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, has chosen each of us to be here to be not just witnesses, yet rather active participants ¨For Such a Time as This¨Jeremiah 29:11-14 
כי אנכי ידעתי את המחשׁבת אשׁר אנכי חשׁב עליכם נאם יהוה מחשׁבות שׁלום ולא לרעה לתת לכם אחרית ותקוה׃12וקראתם אתי והלכתם והתפללתם אלי ושׁמעתי אליכם׃13ובקשׁתם אתי ומצאתם כי תדרשׁני בכל לבבכם׃14ונמצאתי לכם נאם יהוה ושׁבתי את שׁביתכם וקבצתי אתכם מכל הגוים ומכל המקומות אשׁר הדחתי אתכם שׁם נאם יהוה והשׁבתי אתכם אל המקום אשׁר הגליתי אתכם משׁם׃                                                                                                                יר

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, said the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall you call on me, and you shall go and pray to me, and I will listen to you. And you shall seek me, and find me, when you shall search for me with all your heart. And I will be found of you, said the LORD: and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places where I have driven you, said the LORD; and I will bring you again into the place from where I caused you to be carried away captive. 

 Jeremiah 29:11-14

Are You Ready for the Perilous Times of the End Zone Days? 

If you have endured reading this article until the end, then surely you are someone who has a genuine interest in better understanding not just what happened, and who may well be responsible for the botched assassination attempt of Donald J. Trump on July 13th 2024. You may well believe as Eye Dew, Dat it was Divine Providence that spared his life for ¨Such a Time as This¨  

What our Adversary Ha Shatan, That Ancient Serpent Satan the Devil had planned for his evil purposes, Elohim the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth has meant for good. Yes Ultimately Perfect Love Conquers All. 

Pastor Brandon Biggs vision of bullets whizzing past Trump´s ear at hypersonic speeds is either incredibly accurate, or uncannily lucky; yet in the last part of his vision, Pastor Biggs shared that Trump would indeed be Reelected to become America´s President once again; however that even Trump would be unable to stop the coming economic collapse of the U.S. Dollar.

When Alex Jones watched the Feature Film ¨Civil War¨ a few months ago he went on record predicting that The Deep State Powers Dat Be will try to assassinate President Trump, and then stage False Flag attacks against ¨Black People¨, Black Churches, and other Primarily Liberal Targets to be blamed on White Trump Supporters to ignite Civil War for real in America. The Global Elite Neocon Think Tank Published the 170 Page Pdf Geopolitical Policy Position Study Titled:

  Do you really believe that it was just a coincidence that CNN, FOX, & MSNBC Stated on Sunday July 14th that the U.S. Government just released evidence that the Iranian Government has made Death Threats against Donald J. Trump; when it has been an Open Secret for the Past 25 Years that the Deep State has been patiently waiting for their best time to overthrow the government of Ayatollah Khameneiś Regime in Iran on the Day after the attempted Assassination of President Trump?

The Next Six Months until the next President of the United States is sworn in as either POTUS 47, or 48; America is far past itś previous most dangerous era of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Will the Military Alliance of China, Iran, and Russia opt to carry out a First Strike Hypersonic Nuclear Missile Attack against the U.S. or will they have the patience to wait to see just who will be sworn in as President on January 20th 2025. Or will they more patiently wait to see if the Citizens of the Divided States of Amerika actually fall for another and far more devastating Second American Civil War? 

 When will the domination of the citizens of Plan Net Earth by Duh Global Cysts finally come to an end? Will True Peace ever Reign on
Plan Neat Earth? 

Who Ultimately Shall Be in Charge of 
Plan Neat Earth? 

Is El Elyon, Da Most High Still on Da Throne?

  Only Time Will Tell !!!