Friday, August 2, 2024

Caught in Perjury: Secret Service Chief Roweś Woes: Whistleblower Agents Give Facts on Rowe´s Cutbacks Compromising Trump´s Rally Protection Team


  The Battle for the Republic

vs The Real Threats to Democracy

  Following Four Hours of often Heated and Contentious Exchanges During a Joint Hearing on Tuesday July 30th with the United States Senate Homeland Security and Senate Judiciary Committees between Acting Secret Service Director Ronald L. Rowe Jr., with the Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Paul Abbate, and Bipartisan Members of these Senate Committees; Shocking new evidence obtained by Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) from a current Secret Service Whistleblower reveals that the now severely tarnished U.S. Secret Service (USSS) has profound issues which can not be merely swept under the rug with the resignation of former USSS Director Kimberly Cheatle. 

Da New Seize World Report 

via Daniyel

Washington District of (Well Dressed) Criminals  

  Senator Josh Hawley, who was Jack-Booted off the Scene of the Crime at the American Glass Research building complex by FBI Agents Six Days after former President Donald J. Trump Sr. miraculously survived 8 Rounds of Bullets from the would-be assassins rifle at the Butler Farm Show Grounds in Pennsylvania; has received the testimony of a USSS Agent Whistleblower who is Fed Up with all of the cover-up games, lies and deceptions coming out of the so called Leadership of the Secret Service. Causing Senator Hawley to compose a Letter to the Acting Director of the Secret Service Ronald Rowe. 

  The Whistleblower alleges that former Deputy Director Rowe ¨personally directed¨ USSS personnel cuts that ultimately left former President Trump exposed to a would-be assassins bullets at his July 13th 2024 Rally in Butler PA. According to Hawley, the anonymous whistleblower claims the staffing cuts to Trump´s Security Protection Team affected the Secret Service Counter Surveillance Division (CSD), which failed to conduct a proper threat assessment of the site which left Trump vulnerable to the assassination attempt. 

¨The whistleblower claims that if personnel from CSD had been present at the rally, the gunman would have been handcuffed in the parking lot after being spotted with a Rangefinder¨ Hawley wrote in his letter directed to Rowe. 

¨The whistleblower further alleges that you personally directed significant cuts to CSD, up to and including reducing the division´s manpower by twenty percent¨ 

¨You did not mention this in your Senate Testimony when asked directly to explain manpower reductions.¨ Sen. Hawley added

 Additionally, the Whistleblower claims that under former Director Cheatle´s and Deputy Director Rowe´s leadership the Secret Service would actually retaliate against agents ¨who expressed concerns about the security at President Trump´s events.¨

  ¨The whistleblower claims that following an event with the former President at a Golf Tournament in August of last year, Secret Service personnel present expressed serious concern that the Secret Service´s use of Local Law Enforcement was not adequate for security needs:
Local Law Enforcement were not properly trained for the event, or otherwise prepared to execute the tasks given them.¨ Hawley wrote.

 ¨Further, Secret Service personnel expressed alarm that individuals were admitted to the event without vetting. The Whistleblower alleges that those who raised such concerns were retaliated against.¨ 

  Hawley is insisting that Acting USSS Director Rowe responds to his newest requests for CSD personnel records, and information on Secret Service Agents who have faced disciplinary action for raising concerns, as well as a ¨Breakdown of Secret Service personnel at the July 13 Rally by Division or Unit.¨ 

¨No later than August 8, 2024¨

Caught in Perjury: Acting Secret Service Director Rowe´s Woes!!!

The Most Iconic American Image of the 21st Century! Any Lesser Man than Donald J. Trump Sr. with his Legacy of Extraordinary International Real Estate Developments & Financial Accomplishments, with such a Beautiful and Loving Family; would surely have chosen to Ride off into Da Sunset Happily on Golfcarts & Flying on ¨Trump Force One¨ to Private Islands, and Golf Courses World-Wide; Rather Dan having to put up with all duh endless attacks against him, and his family from Woke Liberals suffering from self-inflicted Trump Derangement Syndrome fueled by incessant attacks by the Shame Stream Media, & All duh Stew Peed Buddha Sheep schemeś of the Administration of O´Bamanations Attorney General Mare Wick Garr Landś and George Soros Funded Vengeful District Attorney´s Lawfare vs POTUS 45.
WHO else but Donald J. Trump Sr. would postpone a wonderful retirement for yet another opportunity to restore Americaś Borders, Economy, Manufacturing Base, and Constitutional Freedoms to try yet again 2 Make America Great Again? Only 2 Have to play Dodge Bullets in Pennsylvania and having to resort to hiring his own Security Team to protect him between now and Inauguration Day on Monday January 25, 2025. Verily Donald J. Trump Sr. is not our worldś long awaited Messiah, Yet for reasons only fully understood by Da Creator of Da Universe, Trump still has the opportunity to become America´s President once again!
Verily we all need to continue to pray for our Sar Shalom; 
The True Prince of Peace, Yeshua Ha Mashiach aka Jesus of
Nazereth to return at long last to Plan Neat Earth and to bring 
down with him Da Heavenly City, Da New Jerusalem 2 Establish Da King Dome of Heaven on Earth. 

En Da Mean Thyme, with the wars, and rumors of wars threat levels in the Middle East leaping off the Charts it Luke´s like Da Prophecy of Zechariah 14 is flying towards us at hypersonic speed:

¨For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight those nations, as when he foughtin the day of battle.¨

 Verily we all need to continue to pray for the safety of the man Donald J. Trump, as imperfect of a vessel as he may be.
Surely his life was spared by the Protective Wings of EL ELYON Da Most High ¨For Such a Time as This!¨Paul the Apostle teaches us that we have a duty to pray for world leaders no matter how righteous they may, or may well not be. 

¨I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
for Kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of Elohim, our Saviour; who will have all men (and women) to be saved, and come unto the knowledge of the Truth.¨ 

1 Timothy 2:1-4  

1 comment:

  1. They say that any remarks about Mossad
    should only be made in whispers.
    Thank you for countless "Words of Life",
    (ahem ....some spelled better than others Ha !).
