Adding Fuel to the Fire: Tokyo Electric Power Companies (Tepco) Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant at the time of last weeks devastating Tsunami according to a report by Science Insider contained far more Nuclear fuel than was at risk at either Three Mile Island, and even the amount at Chernobyl.
The Daiichi complex contained 1760 metric tons of both new and used nuclear fuel on site last year, according to a presentation by its owners. The most damaged Daiichi reactor number 3, contained approx. 90 tons of fuel, and the storage pool above reactor 4 where thousands of used rods were being stored for safekeeping. Gregory Jaczko of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) reported that Reactor 4 has lost its cooling water, that was critical for containing as much as 135 tons of spent yet still highly radioactive fuel. The estimated amount of fuel lost in the partial core melt at Three Mile Island in 1979 was a mere 30 tons; while the Chernobyl reactors had about 180 tons when the world's previous Nuclear Power disaster occurred in 1986, that researchers now believe to be the root cause for nearly 1 million cancers thusfar.When the massive 9.0 earthquake struck, three of the six nuclear reactors at the Daiichi complex were operating and shut down contingency procedures were initiated before the Tsunami dealt it's knock out punch a few minutes later. The remaining three reactors were already down for inspection, and their fuel had reportadly been unloaded.
The three reactors in service contained partly burned fuel that potentially could devaste the environment and endanger public health to an extent never before experienced. The Storage ponds holding used fuel also pose a hazard which NRC chairman Jaczko, emphasized in dramatic testimony before the U.S. Congress on March 16. Citing the deterioration condition of Daiichi's cooling systems, he advized that Japan's authorities should begin to evacuate a 50-mile perimeter around the stricken Nuclear facility.
While many perceived Jaczko's comments as an overreaction, however it raises the dilemna of just what is the worst-case scenario especially considering that highly voliatle MOX fuel is involved. A factor that potentially could dwarf Chernobyl's unsavory record as being the World's worst Nuclear Catastrophe.
Nuclear Surf coming to the Gulf Coast of Texas?
Award Winning BBC Journalist Greg Palast reveals that Tokyo Electric and Houston Electric have a done deal to build 2 new Nuclear Plants on the Texas Gulf Coast And you only thought that last years BP Massive Oil Spill was the worst eco-logical disaster ever! Microwaved Fish Sticks enhanced with Vitamin Corexit anyone?
"The threat of environmental crisis will be the ‘international disaster key’ that will unlock the New World Order."
(Mikhail Gorbachev Quoted in ‘A Special Report: The Wildlands Project Unleashes Its War On Mankind’, by Marilyn Brannan, Associate Editor, Monetary & Economic Review, 1996, p.5).

Reactors 1 to 4 From Left to Right Now Show Extensive Damage to Containment Domes
Fukushima Daiichi Reactor # 3 Prior to last week's devastating Tsunami
Newly Released Images Reveal Severe Damage to Reactor's 3 and 4
What the Media is Not Showing and Telling You about Fukushima: Why Japan's Nuclear Crisis may already be the World's Worst Nuclear Meltdown Disaster?
Da New Seas World Report via Daniyel
As dramatic stories about the valiant efforts of "The Fukushima Fifty" who are on an apparent suicide mission to save as many their fellow Japanese as possible, why is the international media not showing the full power of Monday's mushroom cloud-like explosion of Fukushima Daiichi Reactor # 3?
Video Evidence of Monday's massive mushroom cloud-like explosion of Reactor # 3 continues to be suppressed by State and Corporate controlled Mass Media
EU energy chief, Guenther Oettinger, told the European Parliament that the situation in Japan was out of control. ”We are somewhere between a disaster and a major disaster,” he said. ”There is talk of an apocalypse and I think the word is particularly well chosen.”
Picture of the first test explosion of an Atomic Bomb at New Mexico's Trinity Site
While Nuclear Energy Meltdowns do not create such tremendous explosions the potential of deadly radiation emitted from multiple Reactor meltdowns far exceeds the Chernobyl Disaster where emissions from just one reactor exceeded a hundred-fold the radioactive contamination of the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.”
The Bhagavad Gita Hindu Scriptures
Physicist Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer "The Father of the Atomic Bomb" recalls his first thoughts immediately after witnessing the awesome power of the initial Trinity Site atomic bomb detonation in New Mexico's Valley of Fire which sits 8,000 ft. below the 12,000 summit of Sierra Blanca a dormant Volcano. Early Spanish explorers named the lava fields in the Valley of Fire "Los Malpais" meaning the badlands, and they called their experience: "La Journada Del Muerto" the Journey of Death! Oppenheimer died of throat cancer in 1967.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Psalm 23:4
CNN (Containment Network News) "Some everyday Radiation can be absorbed harmlessly"
"Dare's NOAH Need 2 Fear, Danger Mouse is Here!"
Why is the Corporate Media not telling us that Reactor 3 was powered by MOX a Mixed Oxide combination of Plutonium, and Uranium that is far more radioactive than normal Uranium Fuel used in most nuclear reactors?
And why is the media suppressing key information that literally thousands of used, but not fully depleted nuclear power rods from perhaps the last 39 years were still being stored in the upper portion of "Shut Down" Reactor 4, and perhaps at other Fukushima Daiichi Reactors?
Spreken ze Deutsch? The images in this video need no translation! Japan's NHK & German Media Networks Report Japan's Military Helicopter's Desperate Last Ditch Efforts to Cool Exposed Radioactive Fuel Rods by Dumping Sea Water atop the Devastated Fukushima Reactors Hours before CNN's Anderson Cooper AC 360 Reports "Breaking News" of the same operation!
Japan's Military Helicopter Sea Water Dumps on Fukushima Reactors: About as effective as pissin' on an overheated radiator on a summer afternoon in Death Valley!
Michio Kaku a renowned physicist told MSNBC that dumping water from helicopters is pointless, and advocates using the Chernobyl approach instead:
What they are doing is basically using squirt guns against a raging forest fire.
"It’s not effective, because the workers cannot get close enough to put water here. That’s why I would personally advocate the Chernobyl option. Do what Gorbachev did, call out the Japanese air force, get the army to bring a fleet of helicopters armed with sand, boric acid and concrete, entomb it, bury it in concrete."
[Question] So the sand and — the approach they use in Chernobyl . Is it too early to do that?
Kaku: "They keep saying that the thing is stable. That’s like saying you’re hanging on your fingernails and saying it’s stable, stable, every six hours it gets worse. If I was the prime minister, I would put the air force on standby, get the helicopters in case they have to exercise the Chernobyl option."
Update: Japan Weighs Need to Bury Nuclear Plant: Tries to Restore Power
You won't Hear about MOX on Fox
The fuel used in the Japanese nuclear reactor where Monday's massive explosion occurred is far more volatile and toxic than the fuel used in the other reactors there, a Japanese nuclear expert warned.
At a press conference in Tokyo, Masashi Goto, who worked for Toshiba as a reactor researcher and designer, said the mixed oxide (MOX) fuel used in unit 3 of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant contains MOX fuel a mixture of uranium and plutonium reprocessed from spent uranium, and from weapons-grade plutonium.
Goto added that the MOX also has a lower melting point than the other fuels. The Fukushima facility began using MOX fuel last September, becoming just the third plant in Japan to do so, so experience in handling this type of fuel especially in the aftermath of last Friday's catastrophic Tsunami is limited at best.
Unit 3's reactor housing was destroyed earlier Monday in a hydrogen-fueled blast similar but far more devastating than the one that destroyed unit 1's housing Saturday. Eleven people were injured. The blast also hampered the already desperate efforts to pump sea water into unit 2 to cool it down, Goto said.
Masashi Goto says MOX fuel is more toxic than uranium. Image Credit: Brian Chapman
While Goto was still in damage control spin mode, today's released photo's reveal that Goto may not be the "Go To Guy" for the truth about what is really going on at the gravely stricken Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Complex.
"According to announcements, there appears to be no major damage to the containment vessel" of reactor No. 3, Goto said at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan. "In other words, it is able to fulfill its function.
But it's still unknown whether the outside of the containment vessel had been damaged in the blast", he added.
With fuel rods of unit 2's reactor being totally exposed despite attempts to pump sea water into the chamber, according to Japanese media reports. Goto, however, stressed that nobody can see inside the chamber to confirm the water level.
When asked why the explosion at the No. 3 reactor seemed much more violent than Saturday's explosion at the No. 1 reactor building, Goto said he suspected that more hydrogen had accumulated in the building before exploding.
He emphasized the three most critical factors for the time being: a steady supply of electrical power to the plant, supply of water to cool the reactors, and the supply of fuel to the water pumps. He added that fuel for the current makeshift pump system had been running low even before the latest blast.
When asked about the worst-case scenario, Goto said he would "rather not think about that." He also said there are too many factors to figure to make a solid conclusion on what will happen.
Thousands of highly radioactive used fuel rods stored in the upper portion of Fukushima's Nuclear Reactor Containment Units may have already been blown into the atmosphere as a result of multiple explosions at the facility
A Nov 2010 Powerpoint titled "Integrity Inspection of Dry Storage Casks and Spent Fuels at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station" adds a new and frightening dimension to the unfolding disaster. from Tokyo Electric Power Company (in english) detailing the modes and quantities of spent fuel stored. This Report reveals that plans were underway to build a more appropriate off-site containment facility for the multiple thousands of used yet still highly radioactive fuel rods that have built up over the past 39 years since the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant went online in 1972.
The Fukushima Daiichi plant has seven pools designed for the storage of these spent fuel rods. These are located at the upper storage portions of the six reactor buildings – or at least they were until the recent explosions and fires devasteted the plant. At the surface level there is a common pool in a separate building that was severely damaged by the tsunami. Each reactor building pool holds 3,450 fuel rod assemblies with the common pool holding 6,291 fuel rod assemblies. Each assembly holds sixty-three fuel rods. According to the report the Fukushima Daiichi plant contains over 600,000 spent fuel rods – in other words this may be the worst, worse case scenario possible where massive amounts of lethal radiation may have already been released into the atmosphere.
While the prevailing Jet Stream will send fallout over the Pacific towards North America, it's enduring affects will be global. Fukushima may well be Chernobyl on Steroids to the 6th Power; as Six Reactors, not just one are in serious danger of complete meltdown. Japan's and perhaps the world's Food and Water Supplies may be endangered as fallout while ultimately dissipating will be dispersed world-wide via the Jet-Stream, as well as the water-cycle.
Radiation from the Chernobyl Meltdown was covered up until another Nuclear Facility in Sweden first picked up higher readings 2 day's after the Reactor Explosion. The lethal legacy of Chernobyl is an ongoing tragedy of human suffering resulting in nearly a million cancer deaths thus-far.
Comparisons between this current disaster, and the previous nuclear accidents at America's Three Mile Island, and Chernobyl in what was then the Soviet Union are unavoidable. As such the lessons that we need to understand is how the Government's and Corporate Media involved initially down-played the amounts of radiation that were released in those accidents. Years later when the actual levels of radioactive fallout released were made public, it scarcely made the evening news. While it is now estimated that nearly 1 million cancer cases in Europe, and throughout the western areas of the former Soviet Union were the invisible legacy of Chernobyl.
In the new book, “Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment,” by Alexey Yablokov of the Center for Russian Environmental Policy in Moscow, and Vassily Nesterenko and Alexey Nesterenko of the Institute of Radiation Safety, in Minsk, Belarus.
The authors said;
“For the past 23 years, it has been clear that there is a danger greater than nuclear weapons concealed within nuclear power. Emissions from this one reactor exceeded a hundred-fold the radioactive contamination of the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.”
“No citizen of any country can be assured that he or she can be protected from radioactive contamination. One nuclear reactor can pollute half the globe,” they said. “Chernobyl fallout covers the entire Northern Hemisphere.”Steven Chu America's current Energy Czar has only today admitted that the situation in Japan now "appears to be more serious than Three Mile Island." Referring to what in actuality was a relatively tame accident at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Facility near Middletown Pennsylvania in which workers realized after approximately 2 hours that the plants cooling system had been accidentally shut off, and in which no explosions or fires were reported.
MSNBC Lies About Three Mile Island Health Effects
Yesterday, a report not publicly disclosed by Japanese authorities from Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency was issued indicating that over 70% of these spent fuel rods at Fukushima are now damaged – in other words, they are emitting radiation or will soon. The disclosure reveals that authorities in Japan – who have consistently played down the danger and issued conflicting information – are guilty of criminal behavior and endangering the lives of countless people.
While Japan’s reclusive Emperor Akihito has made an unprecedented public address in which he expressed deep concern about the escalating nuclear crisis. It is now clear that the civil authorities in Japan, as well as the majority of the Corporate Media are concealing the truth about the effort to contain the situation in order to pacify the public, on both sides of the Pacific.
So just why is Containment News Network (CNN) and the majority of the "Fair and Balanced" media not showing, and telling us the real truth about the seriousness of what should be clear to those who have eyes to see, and ears to hear? Why are they not informing us straight up that this crisis already is the World's Worst Nuclear Meltdown Disaster, and how folk's downwind (and remember the Jet Stream is one continuous global loop current) of this radiation should best prepare to avoid long term cancer risks?
Perhaps the reason is because the powers that be in the government controlled corporate media simply don't believe that we can handle the truth.
And the truth is that the owner of CNN is on the record that he would like to see the earth's human population to be reduced to under 500 million people!!!!!!
"A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."
Ted Turner, Audubon magazine interview 1996
The "Fukushima Fifty" will join the "Hero's of Flight 93" and the Men of the Titanic as another epic story of valiant men who "went down with the ship" May the Creator have mercy on their Soul's, and righteous Judgment on the authorities, and powers that be in Japan, and elsewhere on Judgment Day.
BBC Journalist Greg Palast Drops a Nuclear Bombshell:
Tokyo Electric/GE to Build New Nuclear Reactors on the Gulf Coast of Texas
Can You Say: FUKU SHIMA No! Don't Mess with Texas!!!
What's Behind Government Electric's (GE) Renewed Love Affair with Nuclear Energy?
Mike Adams: The Health Ranger from Natural News gives his unique insights into the dangers of radiation from "clean energy", and provides invaluable Health Safety Tips for dealing with the potential crisis:
Underground information on what's happening at Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan - a dirty bomb waiting to go off
Urgent radiation preparedness action items for California, Oregon, Washington, B.C., Yukon and Alaska by Mike Adams Natural News
While the image above is actually from an Airport in China, at Tokyo's Narita Airport a post modern day Exodus has begun!
Da Source Sees:
Newly Released Images Show Devastated Nuclear Reactors
Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
UPDATE: It is important to stress that 40 years’ worth of deadly spent fuel rods that would have been blown sky high by the blasts were stored in the roof of the facilities you see devastated in these images. See our article for more on this urgent aspect of the story. Perhaps the most under-reported and deadliest aspect of the three explosions and numerous fires to hit the stricken Fukushima nuclear reactor since Saturday is the fact that highly radioactive spent fuel rods which are stored outside of the active nuclear rod containment facility are likely to have been massively compromised by the blasts, an elevation in the crisis that would represent “Chernobyl on steroids,” according to nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen.
Ghosts of Chernobyl: Meltdown spectre haunts humanity despite techno know-how
As you can see from the NPR graphic below, the spent fuel rods are stored outside of the active nuclear rod containment casing and close to the roof of the reactor complex. Video from Saturday’s explosion and subsequent images clearly indicate that the spent fuel rods at Fukushima unit's one, and four could easily have been compromised by the blasts.
The Tokyo Electric Power Company has released new images that show the devastated nuclear reactors at the stricken Fukushima plant, as authorities confirm that a second reactor containment vessel has been damaged, leading to yet more deadly radiation being released into the atmosphere.
Following news that a containment vessel at reactor number 2 had cracked, it was later confirmed that reactor number 3 had ruptured and was releasing radioactive smoke.
“Top government spokesman Yukio Edano told a press conference in the morning that smoke has been recognized from about 8:30 a.m. around the No.3 reactor and said, ”As we saw in the No. 2 unit, steam has been released from the (No. 3) reactor’s containment vessel,” reports Kyodo News.
A fire in the plant’s number 4 reactor, where massive numbers of highly radioactive spent fuel rods are stored, was likely caused by the water that is in place to cool the rods boiling and exposing them to open air. As we have documented, the threat posed by the spent fuel rods burning and releasing radioactivity is even greater than the active fuel rods.
The Fukushima Daiichi plant has seven pools dedicated to spent fuel rods. These are located at the top of six reactor buildings – or were until explosions and fires ravaged the plant. On the ground level there is a common pool in a separate building that was critically damaged by the tsunami. Each reactor building pool holds 3,450 fuel rod assemblies and the common pool holds 6,291 fuel rod assemblies. Each assembly holds sixty-three fuel rods. In short, the Fukushima Daiichi plant contains over 600,000 spent fuel rods – a massive amount of radiation that will soon be released into the atmosphere.
Images released by the Tokyo Electric Power Company appear to confirm the worst – that the spent fuel rods stored near the roof of the facility were impacted by the blasts.
Close up of reactor no. 4
Reactor no. 3 is completely devastated.
Another shot of reactor no. 4.
Radiation levels in Tokyo have not increased, but that’s probably only because strong winds are blowing the radiation out into the Pacific Ocean. The fact that the prevailing jet stream is heading towards the U.S. west coast has prompted a run on potassium iodide pills, with U.S. Surgeon General Regina Benjamin contradicting assurances from government officials by encouraging Americans to obtain potassium iodide as a precaution.
World-wide demand for Potassium Iodide has skyrocketed since news of damage to Japan's Fukushima Nuclear Facility first came out.
That’s easier said than done given the fact that manufacturers are telling retailers that there won’t be any more available until the end of April or even May after existing supplies were bought up as early as Saturday.
In addition, it appears that the government has enforced a blockade on potassium iodide. A caller to the Alex Jones Show yesterday related how U.S. health authorities could be blocking Americans from obtaining the radiation-fighting drug, after his doctor refused to prescribe the drug following a “conversation” with the CDC.
Despite surging demand, the U.S. government only has enough potassium iodide in reserve to cover populations living within 10 miles of nuclear reactors, leaving hundreds of millions of Americans exposed to potential radiation clouds without protection should the winds carry any radioactivity across the Pacific.
Related: Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Radiation Fears and Damage Analysis
NY Times Releases Animated Map Showing Projected Radiation Path Towards U.S. with Estimated Levels of Fallout!
Corporate Media Slowly Coming Around to Radiation Threat
History Proves that the U.S. Government Can Not Be Trusted Concerning Current Potential Radiation Dangers to Americans
Emperor Nero Obama Fiddles While Fukashima Burns
Barack "Loves Reggie Love's Team" Now That's True Love and Devotion
Jeremiah's Lamentations: If only the Prophet's of Old had a YouTube Channel what would they have to say to our Commander in Thief???
Chernobyl:The Taste of Wormwood
While this unfolding nuclear disaster in Japan may well not be the ultimate fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy, when one considers that the Ukranian word for Wormwood is Chernobyl, we would be wise not to ignore this "Sign Post" of the rapidly approaching End Zone Day's!
And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.Revelation 8:10-11
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