Monday, August 17, 2020

Shadow Gate Full Film: Why was Journalist/Film Producer Millie Weaver Arrested on Eve of Filmś Release?

Watch Shadow Gate Full Film Here:

See Raw Footage of the Arrest of Millie and Gavin Wheeler:
Conservative Journalist/Film Producer Millie Weaver was Arrested & Jailed Ahead Of her 'ShadowGate' Documentary Release Millie Weaver, widely known as Millennial Millie, a 29-year old conservative new media video and print journalist with a large following online, was arrested at her home in Ohio on Friday morning. Police officers apparently from a local SWAT team took Weaver to the Portage County Jail in Ravenna, Ohio where she is being held without bail until at least Monday for a “tentative status hearing.”

 A short video captured on her cell phone as she was being taken away was posted online. The news of Weaver’s arrest was immediately taken note of on social media as the Twitter hashtags #freemillie and #freemillieweaver quickly trended. 

Talk show host and licensed investigator Doug Hagmann, on whose program Weaver was a guest on July 3, obtained a copy of Weaver’s custody record, which is public information, with additional background from his sources which he cited in an article: According to the information I obtained through my investigative inquiries (and partially detailed in the video of her arrest), she was indicted by a grand jury seated in Ohio. The indictment was sealed until served. The nature of her alleged offenses appears to be “process crimes” (e.g. Obstruction of Justice, Tampering with Evidence). 

 In an article Friday at activist post, Spiro Skouras wrote that he also “contacted the Portage County Sheriff’s Office and they confirmed Millie Weaver is in their custody. They also confirmed that she was served a secret indictment. “

Friday, August 7, 2020

Bibi Vindicated? Netanyahu Falsely Accused of Pinpointing Precise Location of Port of Beirut Explosions in his Infamous A Picture Worth a Thousand Missiles Speech before the U.N. General Assembly in 2018

Nano-Seconds after the second major explosion at the Port of Beirut @ 6:08 p.m. Local Time a Mushroom Cloud like man-made water vapor cloud engulfed and obscured the central red fireball in the center of this image. Shockwaves broke thick glass windows up to 10 miles away from the epicenter of this blast, and the force of this was felt in Cyprus 150 miles away. Is this incident a foreshadow of the future of Damascus Syria? Only Time Will Tell

Compare the Shockwave expanding at nearly the speed of sound on the oceans surface in both the image above in living color of Tuesdayś explosions at the Port of Beirut, as well as this black, and white image from the first atomic bomb test at the Bikini Atoll following World War II. While radioactive fallout has not been detected at or around the epicenter of the Beirut explosions, the physical effects of the secondary explosion are errily reminiscent of the Bikini nuclear explosion in that both capsized and sunk nearby ships!

Before Blast Satellite Image of the Epicenter of Tuesdays Explosions at the Port of Beirut. An 8 story tall Grain Silo is at the center of this image, with the primary target of the bomb featured in the Video below was the Warehouse to the right of the Silo.  Via Planet Labs/CNN

Da New Seas World Report
via Daniyel
הר הכרמל ישראל
Har HaKarmel Yisrael
August 7, 2020

In the aftermath of the devastating series of explosions at the Port of Beirut on Tuesday August 4th, the Lebanese Government diligently began the forensic investigative process of getting to the literal bottom of the massive crater now resembling a man made lagoon as you can see in the After Satellite Image below. Two Official explanations quickly emerged of just what had caused this calamity in the Levant; and perhaps the truth is the combination of these two accounts is what caused the second massive explosion. Apparently a welder accidentally ignited a vast cache of Fireworks in a Warehouse located just east of Lebanonś second largest grain storage silo. Fireworks clearly can be seen going off in the flashes of light in this Global News video below.  
Whatever was the cause of Tuesdays devastating blasts notice how the Mediterranean Sea swiftly reclaimed the vaporized concrete and rebar man-made structure beneath the now obliterated warehouse that was sturdy enough to support the massive Grain Silo located at the center of this image along with several large port-side warehouses along the Port of Beirut. 

The second explanation is that the massive second explosion was caused by the ignition of at least 2,750 Tons of Ammonium Nitrate (yes the same chemical fertilizer used in the 1995 bombing of the Murrow Federal Building in Oklahoma City) that had been confiscated aboard a ship in Lebanese waters back in 2013, and apparently inexplicably still sitting in the now annihilated Port side warehouse.
Lebanese Prime Minister Hassan Diab promised that his government would not rest until justice is served on whoever might ultimately be proven to be responsible for this most powerful bomb-like explosion in Middle East history:

“I will not rest until we find the person responsible for what happened, to hold him accountable and impose the most severe penalties,” Hassan Diab

The Epicenter of Tuesdays massive explosions at the Port of Beirut was a warehouse located above the waters between the now stranded ship, and the devastated Grain silo on the upper left of this image. Notice the avalanche of corn that settled between the Grain Silo and the new waters edge.      Image Credit Marwan Tahtah/Getty Images 

Yet according to a handful of eyewitnesses, and as you can see for yourself on at least a couple of videos posted below on Social Media by citizens of Beirut, there remains credible evidence that at least the second and most devastating explosion which Beirut residents described as resembling  a Mushroom Cloud-like explosion came from an ordnance streaking in from high altitude above the Mediterranean Sea from west to east. Lebanese President Michel Aoun has not eliminated the possibility that the series of explosions were caused by a rocket, missile, or bomb: 

¨The cause has not yet been determined yet. There is a possibility of external interference through a rocket, or bomb, or other act.¨ 

Now does this geographic correction of fellow researchers in the Independent Media prove conclusively that Israel was not responsible for Tuesdays explosions that left countless tens of thousands homeless in Beirut while decimating Lebanons grain reserves already severely stressed by Covid 19 Agricultural, and Shipping shutdowns? 

Only Time Will Tell, yet watch the videos below and do your own diligent research, and please share your own insights, yet one thing is now becoming more and more Crystal Clear in our vision with each passing day in this year of 2020:

And ye shall hear of wars, and rumors of wars...For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there shall be famines and pestilences, and earthquakes in diverse places...All these are the beginning of sorrows. 
Matthew 26:6-7

How much longer until we witness the Burden of Damascus? Only Time Will Tell. Noah mo betta you get yourself right with your Creator, and your behind onto the eternal lifeboat Captained by ישוע המשיח  Yahushua HaMasiach, a.k.a. Jesus of Nazareth for verily there shall be rough seas ahead!  You have been warned!

Oye Vey, ET Lukes like both Twitter & Facebook have already Memory Holed these two videos that gave evidence of the cause of at least the second explosion at the Port of Beirut was from a Missile, or other Airborne Ordnance flying in from Left to Right from an elevated position off the Mediterranean Sea to strike the doomed Warehouse that was already exploding. 

This Video is still working: Raw Footage from different angles reveal the power of the second explosion.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Port of Beirut Devastated by Mushroom Cloud Explosion: Initial Analysis of Raw Video Footage

A massive explosion rocked the Lebanese Capital of Beirut around 6 p.m. local time, with preliminary count of over 100 dead, and injuring over 4,000 additional persons, with countless people still missing. 

Da New Sees World Report
via Daniyel 
Haifa Israel
August 4, 2020

While Beirut has experienced beyond their share of bombings over the past several decades, Tuesday evenings two stage explosion at what is believed to be a seaside warehouse in the Port area of the Lebanese Capital is unprecedented in its scale; leaving even ballistics experts baffled as to the true nature of the explosions. Lebanese Officials have come up with two explanations for these devastating explosions. The first was that this now totally vaporized warehouse contained a huge cache of fireworks; while the second official story now parroted by the Main Stream Media is that this warehouse contained a vast quantity of ammonium nitrate a fertilizer well known for its explosive potential since the infamous Oklahoma City bombing of the Murrah Federal building in 1995. Not unlike the scarred face of the Murrah building, Tuesdayś explosions have severely damaged the Ports primary grain silos a structure similar in size the the Oklahoma City Federal building, which is believed to have held as much as 85% of Lebanons total grain reserves at a time when agricultural & shipping shutdowns due to Covid 19 have already decimated the countries grain reserves. 

With the recent string of mysterious fires and explosions in Iran, as well as Syria with credible ties to Israeli culpability it did not take long before finger pointing in the Levant accused Israel for Tuesdayś explosions, an accusation that Jerusalem has flat out denied. 

While multiple eyewitnesses to Tuesdayś  second blast have stated that Beirut´s explosion looked at first impression to be that of a nuclear bomb. Yet scientists quickly determined that no nuclear fallout was present afterwards. While the water vapor from this second explosion in Beirut closely resembles that of the Baker Atomic Bomb set off at the Bikini atoll in 1946, this may well be due to the proximity of this warehouse to the Mediterranean Sea. If you examine the image in the following tweet you will see a significant lagoon now present in the very place where the warehouse that became ground zero in Tuesdayś explosions stood until around 6 p.m. local time. The initial explosion and fires indeed show what may well have been significant fireworks explosions, which may well have ignited the large stockpile of 2,750 Tons of ammonium nitrate which allegedly was seized from an abandoned ship in the harbor of Beirut since 2014. While all previous videos of significant explosions believed to be caused by the ignition of ammonium nitrate, could it be that the uniqueness of this secondary explosion to this former warehouse in the Port of Beirut was due to a massive amount of water vapor due to the proximity of the Mediterranean Sea?

So just what is the truth behind this latest devastating blow to the economy, and infrastructure of Lebanon? Only time will tell. Yet key insight from Faisal Itani a Geopolitical analyst who grew up as a hard working Longshoreman at the Port of Beirut now writing for the New York Times has shared his unique perspective: 

¨By all appearances the port disaster did not involve the usual suspects — Hezbollah, Israel, jihadist terrorism or the government of neighboring Syria. The truth seems to be both duller and more disturbing: Decades of rot at every level of Lebanon’s institutions destroyed Beirut’s port, much of the city, and far too many lives. It is precisely the banality behind the explosion that captures the particular punishment and humiliation heaped on Lebanon.¨

¨It’s unclear what combination of these elements let a bomb-in-waiting sit in a warehouse for almost six years, moved fireworks next to it and allowed irresponsible work practices to be carried out nearby. But the catastrophe, while exceptionally severe, is the result of business as usual in Lebanon. The country is familiar with explosions, and it is just as familiar with disasters caused by failures of public services: a garbage crisis that dates back to 2015, an environmental catastrophe in 2019 and power outages this year that last up to 20 hours a day.
The consequences of yesterday’s explosion will be even more serious than the immediate casualties and property damage. The main grain silo, which holds some 85 percent of the country’s cereals, was destroyed. Even more, the port will no longer be able to receive goods. Lebanon imports 80 percent of what it consumes, including 90 percent of its wheat, which is used to make the bread that is the staple of most people’s diets. About 60 percent of those imports come through the port of Beirut. Or, at least, they did.
The timing couldn’t be worse. An economic crisis has devastated Lebanon for several months. The country’s currency has collapsed, a problem that is itself a result of years of mismanagement and corruption. Hundreds of thousands of people can no longer buy fuel, food and medicine. As Lebanese have seen their savings wiped out and their purchasing power disappear, a new vocabulary appeared among even my optimistic Lebanese friends and family. To describe the country, they began using words like “doomed” and “hopeless.”
 reports: The explosion caused significant damage to the Beirut Port Silos, which have total grain storage capacity of 120,000 tonnes. The silos consist of 48 big cells with a capacity of 2,500 tonnes per cell, 50 small cells with a capacity of 500 tonnes per cell and a suction speed of 600 tonnes per hour. Damage to the silos could be seen in news photos as well as piles of spilled grain.
In addition to damaging the country’s national wheat silos, the blast also damaged two ships that were off loading wheat at the time of the explosion and a nearby flour mill, Al-Akhbar, a local newspaper reported.
Patricia Bakalian, chief executive officer of the Bakalian Flour Mills, told the local newspaper, “the mill is not really okay, but we can deal with it tomorrow.” She said a damage assessment of the mill would be conducted.
Kinglsy Ambrose, PhD, a grain dust explosion specialist who is an associate professor in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Purdue University, told World Grain it appears that a secondary grain dust explosion did not occur at the port. He noted that the grain silos, while damaged, were still standing following the blast.
“From the preliminary reports it seems that ammonium nitrate is the sole fuel,” he said. “Grain dust would have damaged the silos completely.”
The port conducts 60% of Lebanon’s imports and about 85% of the country’s cereals are stored in the Beirut Port Silos, according to Mena Commodities.
It is estimated that 15,000 tonnes of wheat was being stored at the Beirut Port Silos at the time of the explosion. It was perhaps fortunate that a relatively small amount of grain was stored in the silo at the time of the blast.